Vacation Home vs. RV

I’m sure for many of us having a place to escape to is one of our dreams. Just somewhere that you can run off to and not worry house with logoabout the dramas of day to day life. For some of the luckier ones of us we invest in a 2nd home, a vacation home if you will. But then comes the question as to where you want your vacation home located. Your husband loves Maine and everything that the northeast has to offer while you prefer the down home feel in the hills of Tennessee. Then comes the issue of cost. Even if you can afford the monthly mortgage payments the cost of upkeep can become astronomical. Not only will you have to pay the normal bills that we all have to pay but you will also have to fork over some big money to make sure your investment is cared for while you are not there. Now all the sudden your “dream” home away from home has become a nightmare.

Thankfully there’s a better solution that will make everyone happy about location, save you money, eliminate the stress and hassle and that is investing in an RV instead. Think about it? Whats the goal of a vacation home? To get away? To see new things? To relax? To reconnect with family? What better way than having your “home” movable. You can go and see whatever and whomever you want. Not only does it offer the flexibility and convenience but it eliminates a majority of the upkeep and monthly bills. So instead of investing in the ever finicky real estate market invest in an RV that is guaranteed to give you all the luxuries of a vacation home just with a sense of adventure thrown in!

RVing for your Health

As typical Americans so many of our pastimes or hobbies are not particularly good for our health. Take watching TV, video games, eating out, and spending countless hours in front of the computer for instance. And while a little bit of these here and there are ok maybe it’s time to look into a healthier hobby. RVing is the perfect mix of fun, relaxation, and good health. By going XLiteLifestyle_kidsto campgrounds or state parks you not only get the perks of good wholesome family fun but you also reap the benefits of the great outdoors.

It’s common knowledge that you get a good amount of your vitamin D by being in the sun. Some studies even show that vitamin D helps fight off certain conditions ranging from osteoporosis to cancer. Being outside also means that inevitably you will be getting more exercise which we all know is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Being outside in the light also contributes to the happiness in many people. So do something for your overall health and get outside and enjoy your RV!


Keeping Love Alive: An RV Love Story

Love is in the air, unfortunately so are the cold temperatures. This year you need to get creative in order to light the fire in the one you love. We recently had a wonderful couple come in to our dealership celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary! The husband had decided that for their anniversary she could shop around and pick out the RV that she wanted. What an amazing way to show someone you love them and whatever decision they make!

loveleafAfter deciding on one of our ever popular Cougar units they shared with us a bit of advice on how to keep a marriage strong after all these years. The husband stated that the best tip he can give is to learn to grow with the other person, that things will change, people will change but if you can adapt, be flexible, understanding, and eager you will continue to grow together and grow stronger. Her answer was seemingly more unmistakable but spoke volumes. “I love my husband” is all she said, simple as that.

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Don’t Give Up Gardening Just Because you’re RVing

While I would not trade our family time, memories, and fun that we have had in our RV there is one thing that I missed tremendously and that was gardening. The whole process of planting something, caring for it, and watching it grow is something that I have enjoyed all of my life. I thought it would just be something that I had to forfeit for the sake of the RV lifestyle but as I just discovered that is not the case! I have figured out how to grow not only plants but vegetables and herbs as well!

indoorherbsThere is just something so fresh and rewarding about growing and eating your own tomatoes. It seems to add a little something to our BLT’s and salads. But since I clearly did not have a big dirt filled pot that I could move from place to place I had given up on the thought of growing my own. Luckily I discovered the Topsy Turvy’s otherwise known as the hanging tomato plants. These are light weight and easy to transport from one campsite to another. Once we arrive at our destination I immediately take it out from the undercarriage and hang it in a well lit location, usually right outside our RV door. By mid summer we are enjoying our “home” grown tomatoes and even have plenty to can or add to chili.

Another RV friendly plant is most herbs. Not only do they grow year round but they take up very little space and add a lot of flavor to many foods. I simply plant chives, basil, and parsley into small flower pots and attach them to our RV windowsill with velcro to ensure they don’t slip off while we are moving. These three are the easiest ones to grow as long as you don’t over water them. It also helps if you put up reflective mylar around the herbs to ensure they are getting plenty of sunlight.

Hopefully these tips will restore your green thumb and fresh foods to the dinner table without having to give up any RV time with the family!

What to Invest to get Rewarded the Best

I’d like to invest my money in something that seems worthwhile
something not arrogant or foolish or that will quickly go out of style.

It’s not that I have tons of money growing from a tree
just enough that ,for once, I want to do something just for me.

rvorbustI thought about a sports car, a red convertible shining bright
but my wife didn’t think much of that idea, in fact it caused quite a fight.

Purchasing a boat was something that I took into account
but it seemed so weather permitting, the negatives started to mount.

The smart thing might be put the money up in my 401K
but then I thought about it, who knows if I’ll even live to see the day

A vacation home seemed closer to the goal I was trying to achieve
But then you’re stuck with it and no place to explore, travel, or leave.

Finally it hit me like a bolt right from the sky
I’ve got the perfect solution, I know exactly what I’ll buy.

I decided on an RV, a spacious one that could sleep 8
My whole family seemed excited about all the memories we could create.

When asked why I bought it, my response still might amuse.
But the answer is simply I can go anywhere I choose.


A Hunting We will GO

As I’m sure many of you are already very familiar with, RVing is the best way to go on a hunting trip. Not only do you not have to get up at 3:00 am just so you can be out in the woods by dawn because you are already there but you can take breaks in a huntingimageheated or air conditioned unit! One of the keys to a successful hunting trip is making sure you have everything you need once you get there. Growing up with some very avid hunters I have compiled a list of must haves for any hunting expedition! Feel free to add some of your own!

GPS, LED Flashlight, lighter, first aid kit, bottled water, mosquito repellent, snacks such as granola bars or beef jerky, binoculars, ties (plastic or wire), a headlamp, cell-phone, extra ammo, rain gear, all of your orange clothing such as mesh vest and hat, game calls, field dressing glove sets, plastic bags, ear plugs, flares, hand saw, extra large cooler, weather radio, safety whistle, decoys, tree stand or portable chair, and most importantly be sure to carry your hunting license on you at all times!

Happy Hunting!

Which came first – the Vehicle or the RV?

Don’t put the cart before the horse as the old saying goes. This would have you believe that you shouldn’t do things out of preconceived chronological order. But today I’m telling you to buck tradition and most certainly put the cart (your RV) before your horse (auto-mobile) at least when it comes to purchasing your investments.

So many times customers feel that they must have the perfect truck or SUV before they buy an RV but the opposite is true. It happens over and over again that someone will buy a truck with the intention to buy a fifth wheel only to find out at our lot that their truck is too cart_before_the_horse1small for the RV they want. Or they will buy a smaller SUV and come to our lot only to fall in love with a travel trailer that they cannot pull.

A luxury that we can provide at our lot that most other dealers cannot is that we have a campground on our grounds as well. This is especially handy for first time RV buyers. They can purchase the RV that they want without having to set limits based on their vehicles capability. They can then park it in our campground, enjoy coming and camping in it all while getting familiar with the RV. And then take their time finding the right vehicle to tow it with.

This allows for so much more flexibility when it comes to purchasing an RV. In the end you get exactly what you want and feel prepared to hit the wide open road!

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