
Vacation Home vs. RV

I’m sure for many of us having a place to escape to is one of our dreams. Just somewhere that you can run off to and not worry house with logoabout the dramas of day to day life. For some of the luckier ones of us we invest in a 2nd home, a vacation home if you will. But then comes the question as to where you want your vacation home located. Your husband loves Maine and everything that the northeast has to offer while you prefer the down home feel in the hills of Tennessee. Then comes the issue of cost. Even if you can afford the monthly mortgage payments the cost of upkeep can become astronomical. Not only will you have to pay the normal bills that we all have to pay but you will also have to fork over some big money to make sure your investment is cared for while you are not there. Now all the sudden your “dream” home away from home has become a nightmare.

Thankfully there’s a better solution that will make everyone happy about location, save you money, eliminate the stress and hassle and that is investing in an RV instead. Think about it? Whats the goal of a vacation home? To get away? To see new things? To relax? To reconnect with family? What better way than having your “home” movable. You can go and see whatever and whomever you want. Not only does it offer the flexibility and convenience but it eliminates a majority of the upkeep and monthly bills. So instead of investing in the ever finicky real estate market invest in an RV that is guaranteed to give you all the luxuries of a vacation home just with a sense of adventure thrown in!