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Keeping Love Alive: An RV Love Story

Love is in the air, unfortunately so are the cold temperatures. This year you need to get creative in order to light the fire in the one you love. We recently had a wonderful couple come in to our dealership celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary! The husband had decided that for their anniversary she could shop around and pick out the RV that she wanted. What an amazing way to show someone you love them and whatever decision they make!

loveleafAfter deciding on one of our ever popular Cougar units they shared with us a bit of advice on how to keep a marriage strong after all these years. The husband stated that the best tip he can give is to learn to grow with the other person, that things will change, people will change but if you can adapt, be flexible, understanding, and eager you will continue to grow together and grow stronger. Her answer was seemingly more unmistakable but spoke volumes. “I love my husband” is all she said, simple as that.

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