
Saving Money to Reach your RV Goal

Owning an RV is a goal of many people but so often people feel as if they cannot afford it. The truth of it is that you can own an RV for often times less money a month than your car payment! But there are also other ways you can save money in order cougarto reach your goal and here are a few of them:

  • cut coupons! I know it seems outdated but you can save a great deal of money at the grocery every week. Those $.50 here and a $1.00 there really add up.
  • on that same note eat at home as often as possible. Bring your lunch to work and make dinners at home. Not only will this save $100’s if not $1,000’s a year but you will notice your waistline shrinking too!
  • cancel your landline phone. Let’s face it everyone now-a-days seems to have a cell phone so why have the extra expense of a home phone as well. The average home phone bill is $32.00 a month that is $384 a year you could be saving
  • Go to the library! The library offers movies, cd’s, and books all at your fingertips and all free!! So cancel your netflix subscription and save up to $240 a year!
  • Buy used! Especially when you are buying for children it only makes sense to buy gently used clothing. If you are lucky they will wear it a few times before they are on to the next size. You will slash your clothing budget in half if you simply buy at garage sales, thrift stores, and consignment shops. The average American spends $1,550 a year on clothes so this could save $775 a year per person in your family!

By simply following these simple and practical money saving tips you will be relaxing fireside in your new RV in no time!