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Prepping a Freshly Caught Fish

I think we can all agree that a nice day of fishing and relaxing is one of the most sought after pastimes. I also think that most of us can agree that the taste of a freshly caught pan fried fish is unforgettable. The only thing standing between us and that decadent mouth watering fish is a process that, to put it lightly, is undesirable to many. As much as I thoroughly love the outdoors this pushes the “outdoorsy” limit for me but I have managed to grin and bear it for the sake of dinner and here’s how I did it.

fishing_on_shore2Once you have caught the fish you are half way there already. The next step is removing the scales of the fish. You can do this with a dull edge of a knife or even the back of a spoon. Use short quick strokes from tail to head. The scales will go flying so it’s best to do this task outdoors. If you do it inside I would suggest submersing the fish in a basin of water and doing it underneath the water. After you are done scaling the fish you will want to make a cut from the gills to the vent. Once you have opened the cavity you will want to remove the entrails with your fingers. Make sure to check the cavity thoroughly and rinse the inside and outside of the fish.

Since we are cooking our fish whole we then remove the dorsal fin by cutting along each side of the fin where it is attached to the fish. It is easiest if you then pull the fin out with a pair of pliers. To store the fish until you are ready to prepare and cook it simply put it in a cooler with clean ice that can drain from the container as it melts. You don’t want the fish soaking in water. Also another tip is to store the fish cavity side down to prevent water from pooling inside the fish.

Stay tuned for some amazing whole fish recipes to enjoy around the campfire….