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Less Frustration at the Station

With gas prices staying sky high this precious little commodity is like liquid gold now-a-days. This especially effects us rvers out there that still want to hit the open road and explore new areas. Luckily there are ways to use less gas and therefore spend less money. The most effective way to do this is by sensible driving. If you are an aggressive driver who speeds up and slows down attempting to pass anyone in your sight then you are quite empty_gas_tankpossibly lowering your gas mileage by 33% at highway speeds. That is equivalent to $1.02 per gallon. Those $1.00 certainly add up on road trips. Also following the speed limit also increases your gas mileage. For every 5MPH that you go over 60 MPH you are paying an additional $.20 per gallon.

The next one is especially noteworthy for RVers and that is removing excess weight. It is tempting to pack every nook and cranny full of things that you “might” need on your trip but try to resist. It just makes sense, the heavier the load the more gas it needs to pull it. And last but not least check your air filter. If you air filter hasn’t been replaced in a long time chances are you have a clogged filter that can hurt your gas mileage by 10%.

Not only will these simple guidelines save you gas and therefore money and time at the pump but they will make your trip safer for you and everyone else on the road!