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Job Ideas for Full-time RVers

I talk to people all of the time who would love to be full time RVers but quite frankly can’t afford it without working. They seem to think that they must wait until retirement age to go out and explore the country in their trailer. But with today’s technology and flexible jobs you can find plenty of ways to make an income while out doing what you love. Here are a few ideas that I think would be fun and prosperous jobs.

The first one ironically enough is blogging. There are many companies that contract out their blogging and social media duties because they don’t understand it or don’t want to deal with it. This is the perfect opportunity to research a great deal about their profession and write for them under their blog. This is ideal for any writer that enjoys learning about different professions and crafts.

roadmoneyAnother sought after position for the full-time RVer is a photojournalist. Companies are more apt to use a contracted employee as opposed to paying for traveling expenses for one of their own. This allows you to explore the country taking pictures and discovering new sites you would have never gotten the chance had you been tied to a desk.

Often times you can also make deals with an RV park for a certain period of time. Usually you can park your RV for free and make some extra money simply but taking care of the campground itself. This can be as simple as checking people in or preforming minor maintenance issues. If you are going to be there anyways you might as well make some money while you are at it.

These are just a few of the exciting and achievable jobs that you can do but there are plenty more ideas out there such as travel writer, stand-up comic, life coach, book reviewer, medical transcriptionist, financial advisor, and the list goes on and on. So don’t wait until you are retired to start living the life you want to live now!