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Fragrant Fire Starters

We’ve all been there, you’ve been sitting around the campfire all day and you smell like lighter fluid, smoke, and chemicals.  While unpleasant smelling it’s also not healthy to breathe in.  One way that I’ve found to eliminate this problem and to create a pleasant, earth PineConeGroupfriendly aroma is to make fragrant fire starters.
The best thing about it is its simplicity.  Just take pine cones and any fragrant dried herbs such as rosemary, sage, or cinnamon sticks and roll it up in newspaper.  Then tie both ends of the newspaper making it look like a piece of candy.  When you wanting to start a fire simply bury this in the middle of your wood pile with one end sticking out.  Light the newspaper which will then get the wood started.  Your scent filled fire starter will fill the air with such pleasant aromas don’t be surprised if people start wandering over to find out your secret.
This works great for indoor fireplaces as well and gives a very homey holiday feel when you have guests.