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Don’t Think you can afford an RV? Read This.

I remember it like it was yesterday my sister and I begging my parents for a CD player when they first came out. Despite our incessant pleas they insisted that if we wanted one we would have to pay for one ourselves. With our $5.00 a week allowance it would take me what seemed like at age 12 an eternity. Thankfully my sister and I devised an ingenious and yet obvious plan, we would only have to save up half that much and go in on one together. We simply highlighted days on the calendar timetosharethat were hers and ones that were mine. For two sisters that usually fought like cats and dogs I will have to say that the plan was flawless. We got what we wanted, didn’t have to save up forever to buy it, and got to enjoy it!

As we got older, got jobs, had families, and stopped fighting over clothes and boys we decided that we could use the same tactic when buying an RV. We agreed on the floor plan and style, mapped out on a calendar the weeks we each get it and were off. Independently we would have waited longer until we could save up the money for an RV but looking back now I realize all of the great opportunities and experiences my family would have missed out on. We share maintenance costs down the middle, clean it thoroughly at the end of our week and enjoy the luxury of our new RV at half the cost.

So if you catch yourself pining after the RV experience, the family fun, and the sense of adventure you can only get hitting the open road then find a friend, family member, co-worker, etc that has the same desire. You can have double the fun in half the time so why wait?