
They Did It and So Can You!

No Excuse - Fulltime RVIf you are anything like me you’ve said to yourself “wouldn’t it be great to just sell everything, downsize, and travel the country in an RV.” Just imaging the freedom of the open road, the amazing people you could meet along the way, the sights and sounds you could experience gets me excited. Unfortunately then it feels as if reality, mortgages, responsibilities set in and you decide that there is no way you can realize your dream or that you might have a shot once you retire.

Whatever your reasoning for not seizing the opportunity I’m sure others have had the same reservations. But remember it takes a lot of courage and determination to make big dreams such as this come true. In fact here are three examples of families that have taken the exciting plunge! The most telling thing about all three examples (and nearly everyone else that has taken up full time RVing) and that is they certainly don’t regret it and would recommend it to anyone! So take some time to read their stories and get inspired to create your own big adventure!