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Campfire Cake

orangecakeThe camping season may be coming to a close but there’s still some time to squeeze in some good campfire food. I recently came across what I think is the most unique and tasty campfire dessert (besides my beloved s’mores of course). It is cake in an orange and the recipe couldn’t be simpler. All you do is cut an orange in half and scoop out the inside with a spoon and set to the side. Then mix up any brand of chocolate cake mix. Pour the mixture into the orange making it a little over half way full. Put the lid (other half of the orange) back on top of the other half and wrap with aluminum foil.

Place the wrapped orange in the coals and rotate regularly for even cooking. It shouldn’t take much more than 20 minutes for the cake to bake all of the way through. Then let cool and open the orange and voila! I love how the flavor of the orange infuses into the chocolate cake. To give it more pop I even chop up some of the scraped out orange and put it on top of my cake.