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Adventure is what you Make It

I’ve never dreamed of jumping from an airplane in the sky
Never had a desire to be a double agent spy

The idea of running with the bulls down the long streets of Spain
always seemed a bit pointless and quite frankly inhumane

adventuremountainA hot air balloon tempted me once but I quickly lost my nerve
And when it comes to downhill skiing I much prefer to observe

Although roller coasters look fun with their up and down hill
thinking of it makes me nauseous, yes I’m quite certain I’d be ill.

I would definitely get a tattoo if a needle wasn’t involved
And bungee jumping would be a cinch if my fear of heights was resolved

Play with fire you’ll get burnt I’ve taken as quite a literal term
I’m ironically scared of water too as my swimming teacher can confirm

But despite not attempting a single thing on this long list
I really am quite an adventurer and a daredevil I would insist.

My adventures may disguise themselves as a pleasant country drive
but as many of you can relate it makes me feel just so alive

Visiting different parts of the country making countless friends along the way
Knowing that I’ll be gone tomorrow and I’m here just for the day.

In my own humble opinion there’s no greater adventure guarantee
Than a campground full of friendly faces and a fully stocked RV.