
Adding Onto Your Home VS. Buying an RV

People add on to their homes for many different reasons but more often than not it is to accommodate for more people. Whether it is your child who just graduated college that is moving back home, your in-laws are moving in, or your sister needs a place to crash for a bit. Whatever the case may be you may be considering adding on an addition to your house.

constructionpmBefore you call a contractor you might want to consider a second alternative which is purchasing an RV. While many people use their RV’s to travel the country there are still plenty others that keep theirs right in their very own driveway. While adding onto your house might have it’s benefits it is also not very cost effective. By the time you factor in supplies, labor, decor, furnishings, etc. you have racked up much more money than you initially thought. Plus by being attached to your house you or the people/person moving in with you will have limited privacy. By using an RV not only are you saving a fortune but you can offer your new dweller their own space while still keeping your own privacy in tact.

This solution is also ideal for hosting overnight guests as well. Plus you can always use it for double duty and take the family on a weekend camping trip. Additionally, you can always sell your RV if the living situations don’t work out or plans change whereas, you certainly can’t sell a room off of your house.

So before making an irreversible and uber-expensive investment it would most definitely be worth your time to look into purchasing an RV. Not only will it save you money but will also save you hassle, privacy, and quite possibly relationships.