
Expect the Unexpected when Traveling

Let’s face it we all feel a bit invincible when it comes to our RV getaways. We just know we won’t get stuck in that upcoming hail storm, or get a flat tire, or run out of gas. But the truth is that there will come a time when we have to deal with one of all of these (hopefully not all at the same time) so it seems like a good idea to be prepared for whatever the road can throw at you.

The last place you want to be during treacherous weather is racing down the interstate. But if you are unaware of the potential storm then that’s where you very well might be. The best way to keep yourself informed and out of harms way is to invest in a Pocket Portable Weather Radio. This will let you know way in advance of any rain, snow, tornado warnings, etc that might be in your upcoming path.

flattireA flat tire can also really derail your trip if you are not prepared. So often people think that just because they have their spare tire on the back that they are totally prepared for changing a tire. What some people fail to remember is to buy and pack a jack for their RV. Without that there is no way to get the flat tire off of your trailer. In addition many people go years and years without a flat tire and therefore never check their spare. It is important before you head off on any trip to check the air pressure in your spare tire as well. It won’t do you any good to have a flat spare tire.

I have also found it handy more than once to keep a few gallons of gas safely stored in our undercarriage of our RV. This is especially true when we get out into the middle of nowhere out west and end up further away from civilization than we had intended. Having that extra gas is what we needed to make it to the next gas station and boy were we happy we had it.

Being prepared really is the key to success whether it’s in life or enjoying that successful get-away. Like John F. Kennedy once said, “The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.”