
Don’t Give Up Gardening Just Because you’re RVing

While I would not trade our family time, memories, and fun that we have had in our RV there is one thing that I missed tremendously and that was gardening. The whole process of planting something, caring for it, and watching it grow is something that I have enjoyed all of my life. I thought it would just be something that I had to forfeit for the sake of the RV lifestyle but as I just discovered that is not the case! I have figured out how to grow not only plants but vegetables and herbs as well!

indoorherbsThere is just something so fresh and rewarding about growing and eating your own tomatoes. It seems to add a little something to our BLT’s and salads. But since I clearly did not have a big dirt filled pot that I could move from place to place I had given up on the thought of growing my own. Luckily I discovered the Topsy Turvy’s otherwise known as the hanging tomato plants. These are light weight and easy to transport from one campsite to another. Once we arrive at our destination I immediately take it out from the undercarriage and hang it in a well lit location, usually right outside our RV door. By mid summer we are enjoying our “home” grown tomatoes and even have plenty to can or add to chili.

Another RV friendly plant is most herbs. Not only do they grow year round but they take up very little space and add a lot of flavor to many foods. I simply plant chives, basil, and parsley into small flower pots and attach them to our RV windowsill with velcro to ensure they don’t slip off while we are moving. These three are the easiest ones to grow as long as you don’t over water them. It also helps if you put up reflective mylar around the herbs to ensure they are getting plenty of sunlight.

Hopefully these tips will restore your green thumb and fresh foods to the dinner table without having to give up any RV time with the family!